Notice of Next Meeting of UMC Ad Hoc Operations Review Committee.

Media Advisory

The next meeting of the UMC Ad Hoc Operations Review Committee will be held on Monday, March 12, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. in the Glass Room in the basement of the Ambulatory Care Building at University of Louisville Hospital.

The published agenda is:

  • 1) Approval of minutes of 2/21/12 meeting
  • 2) Conversation with Dixon Hughes Goodman re scope and timing of their work
  • 3) Next steps


As was promised, I received this  notice on March 2.  The public is invited.  Why not attend to show that there is community concern other than mine!  Of course, I am only too happy to report for you.

The committee’s formation was announced by UofL President Ramsey last Feb 2 and its work was expected to be completed by April.  The first committee meeting was held almost 3 weeks later on Feb 21.  It was clear at that time that there was no common vision of the scope of the Committee’s work.  A consultant was hired to help define those goals and to do the work of the committee.  Next week’s meeting will be almost 6 weeks after inception with  only 3 weeks left till April.  The agenda reprinted above makes it clear that the scope of the project remains undefined.  At this rate is It is hard to imagine that much can be done over the next 6 weeks to keep on schedule for an April finish.  Indeed, the University hopes to complete its parallel RFP process and have its new/old partner on board in early April!  So why are they doing this?  There are several respected and  high-powered people on this committee, but it appears that the University is poised to do what it wants anyway before their Committee process can inform any decision.  Talk about wasted time and squandered opportunity.  If there is anybody in Louisville who feels they can trust this University and its leadership, please tell us why you think so in the comments to this posting.

Peter Hasselbacher
March 6, 2012