Information About UofL and UMC Partner Search Requested

Can you help Public of Louisville understand what is happening with regard to the ongoing efforts of the University of Louisville and University Medical Center Inc. in their undiminished quest for a new partner before it it too late do anything about it?

Over the past few months, in our community and in this Policy Blog, there has been much discussion about the University of Louisville’s efforts to find a statewide partner for its clinical, teaching, and research programs.  Its first solution fell flat over issues of secrecy, intrusion of religious directives into academic and clinical life, giving away a public asset to a private corporation, and other substantial deficiencies.  Given the initial reactions by University officers, no one should be surprised that they are at it again.  A request for a proposal (RFP) has been filed seeking a new partner.  To my viewing, it looks like the RFP has been written for a single preferred responder, but you can judge for yourself.  Worst of all, the whole process is now cloaked in even more secrecy then the first go around.  There will be a total blackout until after the papers are signed.  There is no acknowledgment that the Governor or anyone else will have anything to say about it.  I would like to think that that is incorrect.  I doubt even the University would have the audacity to act against overwhelming concerns of the public it claims to be serving. However, I have yet to overestimate University’s chutzpah!

I have heard a number of things third-hand about how the University plans to rush this deal through to completion before the issue of whether or not University Medical Center Inc., is a private or public entity is settled in the courts.  I am therefore reluctant to repeat the information in this Policy Blog without corroboration.  If you have first-hand information about how UofL or UMC is proceeding, or if there is any continuing role of KentuckyOne Health in this saga, I hope you will contact me directly using the “Contact Us Link” in the right-sided panel of this page.  I am also interested in KentuckyOne Health’s plans for St. Mary’s Hospital.  Will it remain a hospital, or will its certificate of need be transferred to a new east-end facility as Norton did with the former Humana Southwest Hospital? I promise you, I will never reveal my sources.  If you wish, you may call me at the Institute’s number, 502.802.5092.  Feel free to contribute a comment here or elsewhere on the site..  Registration is not required.

The public deserves honesty and transparency.  Please help us to that end.

Peter Hasselbacher, M.D.
Feb 27, 2012