KentuckyOne Health alone is UofL’s new partner for clinical and academic affairs. The documents have been signed, including by the Governor. Implementation remains to be determined. The language in the limited press releases handed out is suspicially like that of the last iteration save that a Joint Operating Agreement is substituted for a full blown merger. I provide copies of items from the press conference below.
Is it said that all clinical services will still be provided at University Hospital but women’s care is carved out to a separate entity in the same hospital building. However, I am uncomfortable with the language used. Seems to me I have heard all this before. There was no mention of approval by the local Bishop at the press conference, and when I asked specifically later, no comment was available. Similarly it was said that there would be no change in end-of-life care, but it is also clear that there will be different standards of care at Jewish Hospital and University Hospital for these important healthcare matters.
Obviously I will have more to say about this new business deal but I have no idea what amount of information will be released. Press releases only tell us what the presenter wants us to know. The Governor and Attorney General did not use this occasion to setle the matter of whether UMA is a private corporation or not. It took a court order last time to produce documents that that exposed troublesome agreements. I would like to be able to see the same range of documents that was made public before, but despite much talk by the presenters about the “transparency” of the RFP process (yes I almost laughed out loud) my expectations are very low.
The only other active player mentioned was Health Management Associates, but they dropped out of the negotiations earlier this month. There was no mention of Baptist Healthcare as a player.
Press-release documents provided at the conference are available to be downloaded below:
Announcement of Press Conference.
List of Speakers at press conference.
News Release- General Information.
Factsheet– UofL and KentuckyOne Health Partnership.
Factsheet– Center for Women and Infants at University Medical Center.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Partnership.
Questions from Board of Health Revisited.
Promotional Graphic.
Other Materials:
Letter sent to Medical Staff at Jewish and St.Mary’s Hospitals.
Letter from Jim Ramsey to Selected Friends.
Link to partnership documents provided by UofL as of Nov 20, 2012. (Download below.)
(The partnership documents just above were incomplete and are likely not current.)|
- Short Joint Operating Agreement (337 KB PDF)
- Partial Exhibits to Operating Agreement (990 KB PDF)
- Short Academic Affiliation Agreement (427 KB PDF)
- Partial Exhibits to Academic Support Agreements (502 KB PDF)
- Amended and Restated Lease Agreement (318 KB PDF)
- Memorandum to Lease (181 KB PDF)
My interim analysis of documents: (These were prepared before the partial exhibits were made available. Please read the other caveats included!)
- Joint Operating Agreement– as Word or PDF document.
- Academic Affiliation Agreement– as Word or PDF document.
- Lease Agreements– as Word or PDF document.
Peter Hasselbacher, MD
President, KHPI
14 Oct 2012
This is a link to Partnership Documents released so far.